Kontynuacja wymiany międzykulturowej AFS w naszym liceum

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      Już siódmy rok w LO w Sędziszowie Młp. realizowany jest program wymiany wraz z AFS Polska Programy Międzykulturowe. Dotychczas w programach rocznych i trymestralnych gościli u nas uczniowie z Niemiec, Francji, Włoch, Hongkongu, USA i Meksyku. W zbliżającym się roku szkolnym 2019/20 do społeczności szkolnej LO dołączą 3 nowe uczennice: z Włoch, Turcji i z Indonezji.

Doğa Turhan (15 years, Turkey)

My name is Doğa, I am from Adana which is in the southern part of Turkey. I like playing volleyball, listening to music and travelling. At school I learn English and German. I am looking forward to learning a new language in order to communicate with the local people in my host country. With my best wishes, Doğa

Elena Maria Caviglia (17 years, Italy)

I am from Savona. I’m very happy and super excited to come to Poland in August for one year and I’m very grateful to you to host me in your beautiful country, I can’t wait to know the students and I hope we will spend a beautiful year together. I try to learn Polish even if it’s very difficult, anyway I’m trying to do my best. Elena Maria

Mar'atul Ansar (Nanda) (17 years, Indonesia)

Hi! I am from Gorontalo, I love school where I can meet my friends, I love chemistry class most. At school I learn English, Mandarin, Arabic and Korean languages. I like traditional dance, I enjoy drawing and photography too. In the AFS project I hope to gain much experience abroad. I am very excited to meet you there! Nanda


Doga Turkey


Elena Italy


Nanda Indonesia

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